National Peach Month is in August each year, and it isn’t easy to imagine summertime without this juicy summer fruit. Peach season begins in June and lasts until the end of August, and they say that August is when peaches are at their peak. The peach symbolizes youth, immortality, fertility, and union (in Chinese culture); therefore, many Chinese brides carry peach blossoms on their wedding days. Peach also makes a great wedding decor color scheme for brides worldwide. Overall, the peach holds a special significance in Chinese culture, and the only true wild peaches that can be found there, are sour, smaller in size, and very fuzzy. There are over 700 varieties of peaches in the world today, including nectarines, a variant of peaches and not a cross between peaches and plums. Peaches and nectarines only differ in skin texture — peaches are velvety, while nectarines are smooth. The fruit is classified as a drupe, which means it has a hard stone in the center, and there are two kinds of peaches — clingstone and freestone. The names give you an accurate idea of how to differentiate between the two — either way, they make our lives peachier.