Message from the President… January 2024

Taking Control

Many of us seek out the opportunity to step in and take control of a particular situation or event.  Whether it is leading a sports team to the World Series, running a fast-food restaurant, or even caring for an elder family member, when things are going smoothly, it’s easy to feel as if you’re in charge.  The more you perceive yourself as your own master, and the more comfortable you become in this role, the harder you will fall as it is said that storms will come, and uncertainties will loom on the horizon.  If you cling to control and feel entitled to having things go your way, you are likely to sink when difficulties surface.  I believe that we are encouraged to enjoy times of smooth sailing and to be thankful for them, but we need to be equally warned not to become addicted to this sense of mastery over your life as we are being trained to always trust in Him – for He is your Refuge.  He uses adversity to set you free from the illusion of being in control.  When your circumstances and your future are full of uncertainties, look to Him.  Therefore, we are encouraged to find your security in knowing Him, the Master who is sovereign over the storms of your life – over everything.