Family of the Month

Betty Driscoll might have born as “Freda” in 1930 in Bermuda, but friends and family know her better today as Betty. Betty had two sisters and one brother. While she was a typist out of high school, she was also considered a top swimmer for Bermuda between the ages 8 and 17. Her favorite stroke was the overhand.

Every Friday and Saturday night, Betty and two of her best friends attended dances at the local military base. That is where Betty met her first Husband, a soldier in the American Air Force. She moved to PA with her husband and had six children: three boys and three girls. Once Betty earned her citizenship, she worked at a restaurant.

Betty loves people and socializing with others. Some of her favorite hobbies include crosswords, swimming, golfing and dancing. But her favorite memories are of those weekend dances at the military base with her two best friends.